지난 번에 읽은 Article. (작성일: 2007. 10. 03.)
Guest Columnist : David Bailey (
David Bailey is an engineer at Google where he leads the company's Universal Search effort. Prior to that he led various search, navigation and information extraction projects at Amazon.com and Junglee. David holds a Ph.D. in computer science from U.C. Berkeley, where he studied child language acquisition.
구글의 Universal Search가 네이버를 비롯한 한국의 통합검색과 비교가 많이 되고 있다. 구글이 네이버의 통합검색을 벤치마킹했다고 하는 말도 오고간다. (참조:
구글의 Universal Search는 웹문서 이외의 뉴스나 이미지, 비디오 형태의 검색결과를 어디에서 어떻게 보여줄 것인가에 대해서 고민한 결과물이다. 그 과정에서 여러가지 형태의 실험과 테스트를 진행했으며, 정식 서비스에 반영되었다. (크게 3가지 정도의 bucket test를 진행한 듯 하다.)
뉴스나 이미지 버티컬 검색결과 영역을 따로 나누지 않고 news result for <query>나 image result for <query> 로 하나의 웹 문서 검색결과처럼 묶어서 보여주고 있다. 이러한 버티컬 검색이 가능한 query에 따라, Web 옆으로 버티컬 검색 링크가 생겨난다. 이 링크의 노출 로직은 어떻게 되는걸까?
( Global 사이트와 구글 Korea 사이트의 모습은 또 다르다. )
구글의 Universal Search는 the search experience를 개선하기 위해, 모든 컨텐츠 형태를 통합된 랭킹으로 구현한 것이라고 한다. (- 2007. 05 에 런칭 -) Universal Search로의 변화는, 구글이 그 동안 지켜온 검색에 대한 원칙을 포기하는 게 아니라며, 아래 3가지 측면에서 이야기하고 있다.
... In this article I offer a perspective on that broader mission, share some background on the supporting technology, and discuss the user interface challenges that will partly determine where it all leads.
1. Mission : Unchanged
Rather than a radical departure, Universal Search is in fact a natural step toward our company's mission: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". ...
(참조: 구글의 mission - English, 한글)
2. Under the covers
... This universal ranking system borrows heavily from our core expertise in web ranking, but also has new elements to leverage special signals pertinent to some of the verticals and to manage the page layout when results ought to be grouped.
3. Keeping things simple
... What's appealing about this is that we preserve one of the key elements of Google's simplicity—the single, relevance-ordered list format. The simple scanning strategy of starting at the top and look straight down until you find a result you like, remains intact. ...
* Relevance is still key
... our search engine will remain fast, the user interface will remain simple, and above all we will continue to deliver the most comprehensive and relevant results to the best of our ability.
... In this article I offer a perspective on that broader mission, share some background on the supporting technology, and discuss the user interface challenges that will partly determine where it all leads.
1. Mission : Unchanged
Rather than a radical departure, Universal Search is in fact a natural step toward our company's mission: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful". ...
(참조: 구글의 mission - English, 한글)
2. Under the covers
... This universal ranking system borrows heavily from our core expertise in web ranking, but also has new elements to leverage special signals pertinent to some of the verticals and to manage the page layout when results ought to be grouped.
3. Keeping things simple
... What's appealing about this is that we preserve one of the key elements of Google's simplicity—the single, relevance-ordered list format. The simple scanning strategy of starting at the top and look straight down until you find a result you like, remains intact. ...
* Relevance is still key
... our search engine will remain fast, the user interface will remain simple, and above all we will continue to deliver the most comprehensive and relevant results to the best of our ability.
관련 Search Engine Land Article :
- An Insider's View Of Google Universal Search (this)
- Search Illustrated: Google's Universal Search Explained
- Google 2.0: Google Universal Search
관련 Official Google Blog Post :
- Behind the scenes with universal search (한글)
- An Insider's View Of Google Universal Search (this)
- Search Illustrated: Google's Universal Search Explained
- Google 2.0: Google Universal Search
관련 Official Google Blog Post :
- Behind the scenes with universal search (한글)