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Not All Groups Are Teams: How to Tell the Difference
출처: Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith, <The Discipline of Teams>, Havard Business Review
What makes the difference between a team that performs and one that doesn't?
1. working group의 특징
• Strong, clearly focused leader
• Individual accountability
• The group’s purpose is the same as the broader organizational mission
• Individual work products
• Runs efficient meetings
• Measures its effectiveness indirectly by its influence on others (such as financial performance of the business)
• Discusses, decides, and delegates
2. team의 특징
• Shared leadership roles
• Individual and mutual accountability
• Specific team purpose that the team itself delivers
• Collective work products
• Encourages open-ended discussion and active problem-solving meetings
• Measures performance directly by assessing collective work products
• Discusses, decides, and does real work together
* team의 필수 5가지 요소
1. A meaningful common purpose that the team has helped shape.
2. Specific performance goals that flow from the common purpose.
3. A mix of complementary skills.
4. A strong commitment to how the work gets done.
5. Mutual accountability.
대부분의 팀은 아래 3가지로 분류할 수 있다고 한다.
1. Teams That Recommend Things. (무언가를 추천하는 팀)
• For a team whose purpose is to make rec-ommendations, that means making a fast and constructive start and providing a clean handoff to those who will implement the recommendations.
2. Teams That Make or Do Things. (무언가를 실행하는 팀)
• For a team that makes or does things, it’s keeping the specific performance goals in sharp focus.
3. Teams That Run Things. (무언가를 관리하는 팀)
• For a team that runs things, the primary task is distinguishing the challenges that re-quire a real team approach from those that don’t.
업무에 따라서는 working group이 team보다 더 효율적일 수 있다. 특히 무언가를 관리하는 팀에서는...
어쩌면 팀에 대한 오해는 조직에서 팀제를 도입하면서 본래 팀의 의미보다는 하나의 하위 조직으로 이름만 붙인 데에서부터 시작되었는지도 모르겠다.
높은 성과를 내는 조직을 만든다는 것은 참 어려운 일이다. 그것이 team이든 working group이든...
세상 일이 모두 사람이 가장 문제이고 핵심이다.
Team과 Working Group의 차이
2011. 12. 27. 15:32